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On the road to spaceships…Episode 3

Science that got my attention, March 2013 Another month has passed, and my collection of fascinating science just keeps growing. It’s becoming more difficult to decide which juicy bits of science news to tell my readers about! There was a lot of talk this month about health and aging, including research showing that eating your … Continue reading

Wading into the fire, Episode 1: Why you don’t live on a frozen rock

I have never been as cold as when I visited a dear friend during February. At the time, she was living in Edmonton, Canada. Foolish me, I hear you say. Who visits northern Alberta in February? In my defense, I’m Australian and I was living in Boston at the time, so I figured, heck, the … Continue reading

Wading into the fire, Prologue: The beginning of a circle

“Let’s start at the very beginning. It’s a very good place to start.” Unfortunately for me, I really don’t have a singing voice. Fortunately for you, there is no audio track accompanying this post. The beginning. How on earth (sheesh, I have to stop using that pun) does one find the beginning of the story … Continue reading