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More Than Science: Science you can wear

It’s Grand Final Day! I’m talking about Australian Rules Football, a.k.a. footy, a.k.a. the best ‘football’ code in the world. Unfortunately the cold I caught last week has decided to take out a short-term lease in my chest, which is going to make the midnight start a little taxing tonight (the time difference between Ohio … Continue reading

A bedtime story to teach your children math

I’m sick yet again, dear readers, so unfortunately I don’t have the mental energy required to write a decent original post this week, and I don’t want to bore you with drivel. But I came across something delightful this week that I’d like to point you to, since others’ words are far better than any … Continue reading

What does the universe sound like?

Ah, statistics. It was the bane of my personal experience with science, but statistics do provide incredibly useful tools for interpreting the vast reams of data we now have access to, courtesy of sensors that measure the Earth’s land, oceans, sky and deep interior. But statistics aren’t the only way to interpret data. Sometimes the underlying … Continue reading

Voyager 1, science and what it means to be human

Dear readers, I’m so very sorry that nothing has happened on this site for two whole weeks. I was unwell for a week and since then I’ve been struggling to get back into the swing of things. Motivation to write posts for this site has been particularly hard to find. I’ve found myself asking, why did I … Continue reading