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Wading into the Fire, Episode 6: Climate modelling is a tough gig

Today is a grey, overcast, moody and sulking sort of day. The weather is sapping what little energy I have left after being woken up during the night by a sick puppy. It’s a day for hot tea and upbeat music, with activities that make for light brain work. And so today, dear readers, our … Continue reading

On the road to spaceships…Episode 4

Science that got my attention, April 2013 As the weather steadily warmed, the blossoms came out to play, and spring settled in this past month, a slew of climate-related articles was released in scientific journals. Since I am already writing about climate science each week for my Wading Into the Fire series, I’m going to … Continue reading

Wading through the fire, Episode 5: Linking the water and energy cycles

A veritable blossom carnivale has erupted in our Columbus neighborhood recently. The magnolias, dogwoods and cherry trees are quite obscene in their quest for pollination, flowers bursting naked onto the streets in all directions. Unfortunately, our house isn’t one of the blossom parade participants: we have but a single Japanese maple in the backyard. It makes my … Continue reading

Wading into the fire, Episode 4: The rainmakers

My apologies for the delay in this week’s post, readers. There have been a fair few distractions of late that have made keeping a regular posting schedule somewhat problematic. I’m hoping to resolve that issue soon, so that I can get these regular science snippets coming to you every Monday come hell or high water. … Continue reading